Never underestimate the power of an effective design – they take hard work to achieve but produce amazing results! Each color and shape take careful consideration before it can be prominently displayed as a graphic to intrigue the masses. Once the audience is captivated and the product consumed, word of mouth will take care of the rest.
This is also made easy to your consumer when the package is memorable and straight forward enough to describe to others. This process of creating a custom packing design is imperative for any new project. Regardless of how effective, delicious, or nutritious your newest line item is, most consumers won’t bat an eye towards it if the outer shell doesn’t appeal to them.
Moreover, if the design does not reflect how the item within makes the consumer feel, some would interpret the overall experience as a lie or ‘not what they were expecting’. On top of everything else, it can be especially difficult for clients to chose your goods over the competition when there seems to be an endless line up flooding the aisles. You need a designs that work for your business, your products, and your customers. Flexible Pack understands how important your newest product is for everyone involved and is here with solutions!
A Partnership to Benefit Our Customers
We’ve teamed up with NFI Corp. (Nameplates For Industry), which is well respected as the world’s leading plastic printing industry, to offer a variety of packaging solutions! Our mission is simple: to accelerate the world’s transition to flexible packaging. First, we’ll offer guidance on the overall design of a package and ensure that your design is just as you like it. Once an eye catching wrapper is approved, we’ll get to work on printing on our flexible, shrink packing sleeves! These shrinkable sleeves are designed to adhere to different materials, including aluminum, plastic, and glass, and retain any unique packaging shape that you can think of. In this way, you can utilize the entire product packaging surface area with vibrant, engaging designs and information! With a compelling design to tell your story and stand apart from the others, your products will jump off the shelves in record time. Not to worry, as this method ensures the quickest turn around at the best quality, so your customers will never be without.
We Work with Customers of All Sizes
For large industrial companies, Flexible Pack comes prepared with custom industrial labels. For any food or beverage-based products, this includes the required nutritional value information mandated by the FDA, but it can be altered to maintain the information while displaying the colors and designs that best play to your unique aesthetic. Of course, this labeling isn’t just limited to consumable products. Cosmetics, garden, and pharmaceutical based product lines have their own lists of required information to be displayed on a product. No matter what line of work your industry deals in, we have a creative and flexible solution to display everything your client needs. Contact Flexible Pack today and get the designs that will lead the pack!
Need a label? You’ve come to the right place!
Flexible Pack offers all types of labels for branding, barcodes, and more:
- Plastic decals and labels
- Barcodes, QR codes, “use by” dates
- Serial numbers
- Domed labels
- Rolled labels
- Inventory labels/asset tags